⚰️ DipDup 6.5 branch is no longer supported. Please, follow the⠀Migration Guide⠀to update to the latest version.

Improving performance

This page contains tips that may help to increase indexing speed.

Optimize database schema

Postgres indexes are tables that Postgres can use to speed up data lookup. A database index acts like a pointer to data in a table, just like an index in a printed book. If you look in the index first, you will find the data much quicker than searching the whole book (or — in this case — database).

You should add indexes on columns often appearing in WHERE clauses in your GraphQL queries and subscriptions.

Tortoise ORM uses BTree indexes by default. To set index on a field, add index=True to the field definition:

from dipdup.models import Model
from tortoise import fields

class Trade(Model):
    id = fields.BigIntField(pk=True)
    amount = fields.BigIntField()
    level = fields.BigIntField(index=True)
    timestamp = fields.DatetimeField(index=True)

Tune datasources

All datasources now share the same code under the hood to communicate with underlying APIs via HTTP. Configs of all datasources and also Hasura's one can have an optional section http with any number of the following parameters set:

    kind: tzkt
      retry_count: 10
      retry_sleep: 1
      retry_multiplier: 1.2
      ratelimit_rate: 100
      ratelimit_period: 60
      connection_limit: 25
      batch_size: 10000
  url: http://hasura:8080
retry_countNumber of retries after request failed before giving up
retry_sleepSleep time between retries
retry_multiplierMultiplier for sleep time between retries
ratelimit_rateNumber of requests per period ("drops" in leaky bucket)
ratelimit_periodPeriod for rate limiting in seconds
connection_limitNumber of simultaneous connections
connection_timeoutConnection timeout in seconds
batch_sizeNumber of items fetched in a single paginated request (for some APIs)

Each datasource has its defaults. Usually, there's no reason to alter these settings unless you use self-hosted instances of TzKT or other datasource.

By default, DipDup retries failed requests infinitely, exponentially increasing the delay between attempts. Set retry_count parameter to limit the number of attempts.

batch_size parameter is TzKT-specific. By default, DipDup limit requests to 10000 items, the maximum value allowed on public instances provided by Baking Bad. Decreasing this value will reduce the time required for TzKT to process a single request and thus reduce the load. By reducing the connection_limit parameter, you can achieve the same effect (limited to synchronizing multiple indexes concurrently).

See 12.4. datasources for details.

Use TimescaleDB for time-series

This page or paragraph is yet to be written. Come back later.

DipDup is fully compatible with TimescaleDB. Try its "continuous aggregates" feature, especially if dealing with market data like DEX quotes.

Cache commonly used models

If your indexer contains models having few fields and used primarily on relations, you can cache such models during synchronization.

Example code:

class Trader(Model):
    address = fields.CharField(36, pk=True)

class TraderCache:
    def __init__(self, size: int = 1000) -> None:
        self._size = size
        self._traders: OrderedDict[str, Trader] = OrderedDict()

    async def get(self, address: str) -> Trader:
        if address not in self._traders:
            # NOTE: Already created on origination
            self._traders[address], _ = await Trader.get_or_create(address=address)
              if len(self._traders) > self._size:

        return self._traders[address]

trader_cache = TraderCache()

Use trader_cache.get in handlers. After sync is complete, you can clear this cache to free some RAM:

async def on_synchronized(
    ctx: HookContext,
) -> None:

Perform heavy computations in separate processes

It's impossible to use apscheduler pool executors with hooks because HookContext is not pickle-serializable. So, they are forbidden now in advanced.scheduler config. However, thread/process pools can come in handy in many situations, and it would be nice to have them in DipDup context. For now, I can suggest implementing custom commands as a workaround to perform any resource-hungry tasks within them. Put the following code in <project>/cli.py:

from contextlib import AsyncExitStack

import asyncclick as click
from dipdup.cli import cli, cli_wrapper
from dipdup.config import DipDupConfig
from dipdup.context import DipDupContext
from dipdup.utils.database import tortoise_wrapper

@cli.command(help='Run heavy calculations')
async def do_something_heavy(ctx):
    config: DipDupConfig = ctx.obj.config
    url = config.database.connection_string
    models = f'{config.package}.models'

    async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
        await stack.enter_async_context(tortoise_wrapper(url, models))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cli(prog_name='dipdup', standalone_mode=False)

Then use python -m <project>.cli instead of dipdup as an entrypoint. Now you can call do-something-heavy like any other dipdup command. dipdup.cli:cli group handles arguments and config parsing, graceful shutdown, and other boilerplate. The rest is on you; use dipdup.dipdup:DipDup.run as a reference. And keep in mind that Tortoise ORM is not thread-safe. I aim to implement ctx.pool_apply and ctx.pool_map methods to execute code in pools with magic within existing DipDup hooks, but no ETA yet.